Observation. Impact. Suggestion. is a cutting-edge customized educational tool designed to provide a feedback framework to lower the threat mechanisms in the receiver's brain.

Our brain's main protocol is designed to keep us alive. Survival. However, leadership is all about encouraging those you serve not to just survive, but to thrive. Feedback has a lot of negative connotations. What feelings would you have if your boss, right now, said "I have some feedback for you." More than likely some anxiety, nervousness, maybe even fear! Our brain has already kicked in its multiple defensive mechanisms. We use this tool to help our participants become more motivated, engaged, and collaborative through one of the universe's constants...conflict. 

We offer a suite of in-person and virtual experiential training on providing effective feedback up to your bosses, down to your reports, and sideways to your peers using this battle-tested innovative Observation. Impact. Suggestion. Feedback model. Below you can learn a little bit more about how it works.



OIS Feedback Model

  • Observation: Describe where and when you saw what behavior. Being as specific as possible. This allows the receivers brain to go into recollection mode, not protection mode.

  • Impact: How did what they say make you feel? Create a more human connection with empathy and understanding of the actions and how they created certain feelings.

  • Suggestion: Now you have gain permission to provide your opinion or your suggestion. What could they do next time to be even more effective?


Positive: Helen, at the beginning of the meeting this morning you summarized the agenda with utmost clarity. That made me feel energized and like we were all on the same page. In the future, please continue to add clear agendas and summarize the WHY and WHAT for our meetings.

Constructive: Chris, I noticed at the beginning of this meeting that your audio and video are coming in choppy and it is leading to my confusion as I am unable to understand. I would suggest that you try plugging in your computer to an ethernet cord or turning your video off to save bandwidth.

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